Bring your players back to a fresh club.

For a small investment you can give your players peace of mind

1. Score on your own devices
2. Go Cashfree
3. Mark your club safe with a CGC logo
4. Give bridge online the nod

After a year playing online things have changed somewhat for players, organisers and directors. 

Technology has improved dramatically for players over these fifteen months – we all know so much more about buying online, downloading apps, in short we know our way around our phones better than ever before.

As we ready our venues to welcome players back safely, we have the opportunity to bring bridge scoring up to speed with players expectations today. Not to bridge will hardly thrive if it does not shine equally bright alongside players’ other activities such golf, tennis, chess and Zoom lessons!

We’d like to invite you to try this scoring system.  Our team is made up of professional directors and event organisers and we have added it to our portfolio of bridge game tools for organisers because as well as being a fantastic product for our game, it has  the added benefit of peace of mind to players looking for assurances that their playing venue will stay  clean and germ free. They can use their own devices – no sharing, no touching, no need for any close contact.

We are confident the scoring programme is robust, safe technology that works. We have used it numerous times to direct games for clubs. And there are many clubs already using this system.

Here are more details, and we would love for you to give it try.

It really does work well for every type of scoring at games.


Each player joins the game using a unique game code reference.

After each board one player enters the result and OKs it. Everyone then can refresh their own device to view the played board results and see the rankings.

The scorer/director can setup the game, edit names and movements, correct scores and publish results from their any device.

Iphone/Ipad Users